Current MS3 having a hard time choosing between derm and rheum. Searched for previous topics but didn't find an answer to my question specifically.
A major motivation of mine is an interest in immunology, especially autoimmunity. Ideally I'd like to be an academic and do some amount of research (10-20%). Based on that, I feel that both derm and rheum would be good fits. Plus it has always seemed to me that the division between derm and rheum is rather arbitrary because a lot of derm...
Derm vs. Rheum
A major motivation of mine is an interest in immunology, especially autoimmunity. Ideally I'd like to be an academic and do some amount of research (10-20%). Based on that, I feel that both derm and rheum would be good fits. Plus it has always seemed to me that the division between derm and rheum is rather arbitrary because a lot of derm...
Derm vs. Rheum